Saturday, October 3, 2009

How to increase Google adsense revenue by many fold times ?

There are a lot of ways to make money online but it really depends upon you to decide which way will work the best for you. For some people, CPA's work very well and some make 5 figure income through Google Adsense. For me, Google Adsense has been the best source of income so far apart from affiliate marketing and some more contextual advertising.
How to find a niche market ?
There are several tools which can help you in analyzing the search trends for various markets but I personally use Google Adwords keyword tool to find a market and later drill down the broad/exact keywords to determing my target keywords. For eg. Lets say you are planning to target the dog training market and you found out a set of 10 keywords that do really well on Google. Now if you found so much of information from the keyword tool, chances are high that so many people like you would have already started targeting that keyword. Now if you ask me how i get this information, Just go to google and search for dog training. Now make a note of all those keywords and run them on Google adwords tool. Now you already have a strong hand by selecting keywords that are HOT in that niche. From your Google Adwords tool, select any 5 keywords and those will be your targeted keyword that you want to rank high on Google.
How to rank well in Google ?
To do this, I usually use web 2.0 properties and create high quality targeted links which will add some link juice to my main website and also funnel some traffic through bookmarks.
Apart from creating links through web 2.0 properties and articles, I also use comment kahuna ( a free software to post comments on hundreds of do-follow blogs) to get a lot of links back to my main website. This way, I'm spreading out the sources of all my links so that they dont look biased towards social networking sites and web 2.0 sites.
How to increase CTR?
Once you have worked on building backlinks, traffic should automatically follow to your website. If you are ranking high in Google for a HOT keyword, you have almost succeeded in making good money from your website. When users come to your website, you want them to notice your ads without making them feel too reluctant about clicking on it. The secret here is to blend the ad to the design and theme of your website. Some of the best performing Google ad formats for me are - Link units ( 5 horizontal units ) , Leaderboard header ad, 300×250 sidebar image ad.
Based on 5% conversions and $1/click average, you should be getting $5 per 100 visitors per site per day, with not too much effort once they're built and indexed. If you build two per week, even with these minimum numbers, you'll hit $100/day in just a matter of months.

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